Guest Blog Inspired by Hotdish

dc, the Florida guy, is a blog follower and frequent commenter. His words make me laugh out loud! He’s the one who doesn’t care for mushrooms. 😉

dc was inspired by the Minnesota Hotdish blog post (thank you Audrey!)

Here’s what happened after he read the collaborative post I did with the help of Audrey H of Minnesota Prairie Roots blog.

dc wrote

What is the difference between hotdish and casserole?

Definition: Casserole is the name of the dish used to cook with, whereas hot dish is the meal itself. Ingredients: Casseroles can contain any ingredients under the sun practically, where hot dishes have set ingredients they have to have.

Today’s post was an inspiration. Photos to follow.”

Here are the photos dc sent me throughout the day

I asked if he’d put on a flannel shirt. He said he’d dress for dinner

Thanks dc. That was fun. I know it tasted good.

8 thoughts on “Guest Blog Inspired by Hotdish

  1. I am delighted dc has added this recipe to his repertoire, he is quite an accomplished chef 👨‍🍳 gcr

  2. Those who know me will easily spot the Cream of Chicken substituted for the Cream of Mushroom the recipe called for! GCR above knows even this simple recipe is several levels above my talent level but I like the sound of “accomplished chef.” dc

  3. dc, Florida guy, I hereby bestow honorary Minnesota residency upon you, too, given your successful completion of Tater Tot Hotdish. Congratulations! And, yes, definitely wear flannel while eating this. In fact, wear flannel all winter, like I do. (It’s cold here in southern Minnesota.)

    Ruth, I am delighted that your readers are embracing our unofficial state dish.

    With appreciation from snowy Minnesota/Paul Bunyan Land/the North Star State,
    Minnesota Prairie Roots blogger

  4. I’ve never had a Tater Tot. Looks like they might taste like French Fries. People around here like French Fries in there sandwich. It does look tasty.

  5. Thank you Audrey. It’s all happening so fast. First I’m part of Ruth’s blog and suddenly I’m an honorary Minnesotan. What a day. Dc

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