Dry Ice from a Gift Box Evolves into a Science Experiment


Another photo essay today. An iPhone essay.

My friend J sent a huge styrofoam chest filled with fancy steaks, filets, chicken breasts, some gourmet franks and burgers, too. It arrived today.

Going to be a birthday grill out but Mark’s mind started thinking………  memories of science class?

Mark carried the package to the basement. We  put the food in the upright freezer and then he proceeded to entertain and teach the four kids about the properties of dry ice and how it could be used for special effects on stage or movies.  He was careful and warned them about how you couldn’t touch it and why it was doing what it did as he poured water of different temperatures onto it.     It was quite a show and much appreciated by all.

Well, Maura(4) hung back. Said she didn’t like it.

Solid Carbon Dioxide- dry ice

Thanks Joanne for the lovely present. Who knew the packing material to preserve the food inside would become a blog today!


Mark shows the kids dry ice with water



dry ice








from the balustrade





kids wait






dry ice









Show’s over.






Dry Ice Cautions

All the precautions on the bag.  I am sure most people just dispose of it. But maybe not.