Einstein in the Flower Shop on the Corner

The sign in the window says, BEWARE OF DOG!   I’ve driven by this place for almost six years as I go back and forth to school everyday.  Sometimes there are balloons tied to the signboard outside. It’s on the corner at Brownsville Road-  PLANTS & FLOWERS by Lisa .

Today I pulled over to the curb, ignored the meter, got out and went inside. I was headed to Bridgeville to visit a friend. Einstein used to have two white tufts of hair that stuck out, hence his name.  The two women were really helpful to me and I asked if I might photograph him and they agreed.  I thought about the flower shop as I left and drove in traffic, finding my way to Bridgeville. I’d heard that photographing animals with a black fur coat is difficult and looking at the shots now (available light) I concur. But those eyes were really checking me out!  Einstein was friendly and wanted to communicate. Must be used to new customers off the street.

My grandmother worked in a flower shop in Lincoln, Illinois, and when I was small I would visit her there.  I remember the spools of ribbon, the sticky green tape, the wire stands and styrofoam base, that green squishy foam and of course the smell of the place but the thing that sticks with me the most was her can of spinach and a hard boiled egg she kept in the cooler for lunch.