Jack Conquers Angry Birds plus a New Year’s Bouquet


Year’s Day Laura and James hosted a party at their home.  Sharon (her MIL) brought pork roast and sauerkraut and potatoes. Laura made Pierogie Casserole and Texas Caviar and I made my retro Spinach Balls and pignoli cookies.  We had romaine salad, Irish cheddar,crackers, carrots and celery and hummus and lots of chips and dips and pretzels and bread and butter pickles. Dessert was  blueberry cheesecake and Molasses ginger cookies.  A few played Apples to Apples and football games were on the tv.  Aunt Brenda and Uncle Jerry brought a box of old family photos to look at and identify.  We used a lot of the wedding presents for preparation and presentation.  It was fun. Washed unused brand new dishes for the first time and everything looked great.  Why I didn’t take a photo of the table is beyond me.  It was busy.  Two big dogs, Penny, the 9 month Golden Doodle and Murphy the 9 yo Airedale, livened things up, too.  James kept Penny on a leash as she is “in training”

Saturday at Weiland’s, a small but gourmet grocery (unlike a giant chain), I’d picked up some flowers to put into the new Waterford vase that  Erika and Mark gave Laura and James for their wedding gift.  I managed to pass out a couple of Flat Ruthies to James’ sister Kim to take to her farm and to Sharon, to take to her artist’s studio.  The boys built Lego and then Jack asked for my iPod.  Tomorrow I have to head back home and reality but it has been a wonderful vacation.  

Penny the Golden Doodle Sleeps on the Floor While Jack Masters Angry Birds

20 thoughts on “Jack Conquers Angry Birds plus a New Year’s Bouquet

  1. What happened to Penny? She’s gonna freeze!

    My flat Ruthie has arrived safely in Croatia:)

  2. Jack and my son have something in common, they both share a liking for Angry Birds. My son gets passionate about it complete with cheers when he wins and emotional frustration when he loses. Just adorable moments. You have a beautiful family..wishing you and your love one life’s blessings.

  3. Happy New Year from sunny Florida. Looks like a great family time was had by all! We went to a sports bar to warch the Steelers. There were 30 of us….most were Peabody grads around Frank’s era.

  4. What a great way to ring in the New Year and that dinner sounds delicious! I hope you and your lovely family have a wonderful 2012, Ruth.

  5. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who sometimes gets so caught up in the fun of the moment that I forget to shoot the food! Sounds like a great way to ring in the new year and I love Jack’s intent expression and the lovely flowers.

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dog!

    Jack looks so young which means he is fierce on Angry Birds. Can I send him my iPhone so that he can get me past the level I’m stuck on?

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