Joan Used to Teach at Larimer School- Slated to Become Affordable Housing

The school has been closed since 1980.  Joan taught art there.

Built in 1896 and two additions- 1904 and 1931 for the auditorium.

My friend Joan drove me over to Larimer neighborhood to see it Sunday morning.  Here she’s looking out the driver’s window at the property.

Joan emailed me an article about the future development of Larimer School.

Larimer School is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Larimer School


Although it seems next to impossible, it is slated to be developed into affordable housing.

We spoke with  a neighbor who lives across the street from the property and her niece went to Kindergarten there.

Watching it be restored will please her greatly, as she is tired of looking at the heaps of trash and old tires that have accumulated.







Joan is an artist and is using her iPad to catch images – maybe she will paint from them later



IMG_6569The bas relief is very beautiful



Joan taught in the Art Room on the second floor.  You could see an open window around the corner,


IMG_6574Detail of stone faces


When Joan dropped me off at home, I was glad to see the Eastern Redbud tree in bloom in my backyard.

(Thanks Ginny for planting this beautiful tree in memory of my parents, Roy and Marian,)

Eastern Redbud in Bloom





15 thoughts on “Joan Used to Teach at Larimer School- Slated to Become Affordable Housing

  1. I hope they restore and well as renovate the old school. It would be something to see but, then again, seeing it in use is the important thing. It looks like a great building and such a waste to allow it to deteriorate. I, too, planted a redbud in honor of my parents in their front yard before the home was sold. Zia can see it from her home. 🙂

  2. What a magnificent building, Ruth! Criminal when structures like this are left to fall apart. Glad it’s getting a happy ever after 🙂

  3. wow – at first I was thinking that some buildings just have to come down – and then I saw your amazing shots – of the bas relief and the stone faces and my heart felt sad. such loss. but what a cool post – and thanks for ending with the tree blooms – 🙂
    nice post.

  4. Restoring old buildings like that with so much history is truly the right thing to do. Ruth, great photos – remember to keep us posted on how the renovations progress.

  5. That’s an amazing building. So many of the new buildings no longer have character or express the loving work of skilled craftsmen. Hope it gets restored, put to use and you’re able to report about it again in the near future :).

  6. Pingback: My Artist Friend Joan and her Thread Collection | Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  7. Pingback: Lahma bi Ajeen at Joan’s Thursday Night | Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  8. I was a student there at the school back in the 70 S. It would really be nice to see the school come back to life.

  9. Pingback: Larimer School Revisted | Ruth E Hendricks Photography

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