Glass of Coffee Refraction on the Way to School

A new weekly photo challenge will come out Friday afternoon. I posted a gallery of light through crystals already but –

Here’s what I noticed on the way to school ( I didn’t get to the Drive-Thru)

I saw the light refracting through the glass pattern onto my coffee and out the other side of the glass.

I don’t think I was looking for refractions last week prior to the challenge.

This one presented itself.

(And yes, you’re right. The pink and orange is a gift card from Dunkin Donuts.)

Glass of Coffee

8 thoughts on “Glass of Coffee Refraction on the Way to School

  1. You’ve such an eye, Ruth. You must be in the Present to “catch” these and it explains why I so rarely see anything like them. 🙂

Thanks for your visit. It's always good to hear you stopped by.