Kite Flying

Uncle Robert was an avid kite flier.  He had all shapes and sizes of kites and would fly them  expertly wherever he traveled. Family and friends see a kite and he comes to mind.  He was with us today.  One time he and Aunt Rhea visited us in Clarion (1982)and we drove to the football stadium parking lot.  He pulled a cool looking kite out of the trunk of his car. He had it soaring in no time at all.  Mark was just about the age Michael is now. I remember how excited Mark was to see the kite sail in the sky. Today the wind was strong  and Laura had the idea to try the kite with Michael and Jack.  They loved it!  Mark told me we bought Uncle Robert a kite in Bibione, Italy– a paratrooper and we mailed it from Germany.

Michael and Laura fly a kite in the backyard,
Another first. Today it is flying a kite. Michael tried to fly it too but Laura kept in the air the longest.