Sawdust on the Floor, Hot Pastrami on Rye, Six Foot Sandwich and Send a Salami

Katz’s Deli in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

My sister took me there for lunch on Thursday.  We shared a hot pastrami on rye with both fresh and pickled pickles.   I’d never been to Katz’s before but would definitely go again.  Everyone gets a ticket upon entering.  You have to show it when you leave and pay, even if it is blank like mine was as Mary treated.

I sat at the table while she got in line for the carver to carve the meat.  I can tell you the sandwich was delicious. as were the accompanying pickles.

A huge menu and lots more to order but half a sandwich was plenty.  A nice woman let me photograph her matzoh ball but I didn’t think the photo looked good enough to post.

Before we went, Mary answered my query by googling and finding the chow hound telling the difference between pastrami and corned beef.

While we were there she pointed out the sawdust on the floor. Lots of celebrities photos and neon beer signs from floor to ceiling.

I’d heard of the slogan- Send a Salami to Your Boy in the Army but didn’t remember the song which is also my sister’s reference. Thanks Mary.

Neon sign at Katz's Deli

Sawdust on the Floor

Katz's Deli interior

A popular spot for lunch.  Fellow diners at the deli.

Pastrami on Rye

Hot Pastrami on Fresh Rye as photographed by my iPhone.

Two kinds of pickles

Two kinds of pickles. both delicious, iPhone shot again.

Six Foot Sandwich

You can order a six foot sandwich to go for $275

(Took this with the Canon 5D 50/ 1.2L  lens, no flash)

6 ft sandwich to go

Packing up the six footer in a special box.  Plenty of muster and mayo went with it.

Katz's Deli interior

Send a Salami

Send a Salami to Your Boy in the Army

Katz's Deli sign

12 thoughts on “Sawdust on the Floor, Hot Pastrami on Rye, Six Foot Sandwich and Send a Salami

  1. It looks like such a fun place to visit. I would certainly have fun with that long six foot sandwich..hehehehe
    Lovely shots as usual Ruth. Thanks for sharing. 😀 *hugs*

  2. As a young boy, it was fairly common to walk into shops with sawdust covering the floors. You just don’t find places like that anymore. Thanks for the flashback, Ruth. Wasn’t Jerry Lewis young in that video? He looks like he’s barely 21, if that. 🙂

  3. Don’t know if its a kosher place but I could so see my teeth bite into that delicious looking sandwich!

  4. So much fun to just see the photo of the place and the six foot sandwich 😀 Thank you for taking us there, Ruth!

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