Certified Chimney Sweeps Chris and Jim

You remember the squirrel (s) in the box gutters post last week?

I needed to have my chimney inspected and cleaned, too.  I thought there might be a family of squirrels enjoying the shelter of the chimney bricks, even though there was a screen on top of it at one point. Living across the park with a ton of trees makes this neighborhood squirrelandia.

A few years ago we had a squirrel in the fireplace. Somehow Steve trapped it in a cage.  Steve took it down the street in a carrier as he sported a winter parka in July and a couple of oven mitts. Not that the oven mitts would have spared him.

These men, Jim and Chris, certified Chimney Sweeps came today and did a terrific job. I found them through google and read all  positive reviews- Advance Chimney- about “professional job….clean up after themselves…courteous… efficient and certified!”

All true!

Not only can my wood burning fireplace  be used again (safely) BUT there were no squirrels making a home in the chimney. No roast squirrels!

There’s some pointing needed in the bottom of the fireplace. Mortar is old and crumbling but nothing major. They’ll come back and do that work when I get on the schedule. They said it would take about an hour. Cure in 24.

As they were leaving, I asked if they’d consent to be part of my people at work series.

They were gracious to allow me to get my camera and photograph them as they were ready to head out to the next job. Good sports.  Thank you.

Jim and Chris Chimney Sweeps Truck

Jim and Chris Chimney SweepsJim and Chris enjoy their work.

p.s.  I shook hands with them both.  Must have been those 1964 lyrics I remember.

Squirrels Can’t Make a Home in Mine

Sometimes you need to call an expert in their field.

A DIY project, when it comes to wildlife encroaching on your territory, doesn’t work

Living across the street from the park and having beautiful deciduous trees makes it a terrific place for squirrels to live. Great. So long as they stay in the trees!

I am really glad it isn’t bats.


The box gutter had a large hole around the downspout, chewed by a critter(s). When I got home from my midwinter break I heard the scurrying of little paws outside my bedroom window but inside the wooden box gutter. It’s an old house.

Yesterday, I had to call Pete Cappa of Cappa Wildlife Control Services. Within 24 hours he arrived to assess the situation.When we were settling up, he told me about being bitten right down to the bone of his thumb by a squirrel and how much it hurt.

I asked him if I could photograph him for my People at Work series and he graciously agreed. Thanks Pete. And you might notice on his website he does not deal with cats or dogs.

“Specializing in the humane removal of nuisance wildlife!”


He got out this critter in the trap from the back of his truck for the photo. From someone else’s home.

I didn’t want my home to become Grey Gardens.