The Quest for Sock Yarn in Alaska

Alaskan sock yarn was the quest.  And this was the place to find it.

I ‘d researched on the computer from Pittsburgh, prior to our trip.

Knitty Stash is the home of Alaskan Yarn Company , right in Homer, Alaska where we were headed.

Gorgeous hand painted sock yarn with special Alaskan colorway names that invite you to knit your Alaskan experience, right into a pair of socks ( or shawl, cowl, etc)  “Our Alaskan color way:  Kachemak Bay, Lupine, Arctic Autumn, Northern Lights and Fireweed and Denail Autumn and High Bush Cranberry”  You can click here to see what they look like knitted up

Yarn store number three on the great Northwest adventure.

You meet the nicest people.  My friend Lisa and I went back on Tuesday night and watched the three women use spinning wheels, turning fiber into yarn.

Meet shop owner Jules and her sweet dog Ruby.


Jules made the knitting artwork out of duct tape  with the help of a friend!  Weatherproof..

img_2458You can see some of the colorways on the wall in this shot.  I focused on Jules so the background a bit soft focus.

My quest was satisfied and I mailed some skeins the next day. It was here, waiting for me when I got home.  I’ve wound one colorway already.  Will keep you posted.

Here are the colors close up, borrowed from Knitty Stash site so you can see how lush they are.

I did not take the yarn photo below, but I wish I had bought all the colors and taken it!  Thanks Jules.screen-shot-2016-09-25-at-11-48-28-pmp.s. If you missed my  4/27/16 post on The Satisfaction of Sock Knitting you can read it here