City Rooftop Horsey

I’m sure there’s a great story behind the placement of this molded plastic creature, dangling from a wire frame atop a building!

You might remember, depending on how long you have been following the blog, that my friend Sally said that things come in threes.

And the day before that there was the horse of a different color. The post the day before that one was The Old Gray Mare (or stallion).

There was the steed left by a cowboy in an Arlington neighborhood alley, just like the one Chicago John rode as a kid.

And here is the latest one I caught yesterday as I sat in traffic in East Liberty and happened to see it up on the roof.

“Found” rocking horses or rocking horse heads in the city are a theme without my even realizing.  Maybe someone is going around the city and placing them for me to find!

horsey rooftop full sie

horsey rooftop

Here are the aforementioned horse sightings in the city cause let’s face it- who has time to return to old blogposts?





New York City Rooftops by Night Light

New York City Rooftops 4-4-09
New York City Rooftops 4-4-09