Outgrown Sleeper Transformed

Here’s a January 2019 photo. Grandson Charlie visiting at my house. He’s wearing a fleece footed sleeper that was a cozy favorite. Doesn’t take long for kids to outgrow their clothes, though. 

In December 2020 my daughter sent the kitty footed sleeper to me with a request- could I make something special from it?

So I made doll pajamas, with the sleeve cuffs being the pants ankle cuffs now.

After I sewed the pjs, there was a lot of the sleeper leftover  but I couldn’t see anything in my mind to make from it. The scraps hung around for 3 weeks. Then I got an idea. 
Yesterday I created Zippy the snake with the remainder. Stuffed a couple of knee socks with fiberfill and put them into the column I created to look like a snake. Now the snake can lose his skin with zero mess.

On to the post office tomorrow to get these mailed to Charlie. I’m hoping he likes the transformation. 


Now  a photo a day for a week to capture the present.  As it is, right in the moment. The Weekly Photo Challenge. NOW

Lego building. 


Christmas lights. 

New Jammies. A log on the fire.


Henry the Airedale’s First Christmas With His Family

Henry the Airedale

Jack, Anna, Michael, Maura and Henry the Airedale

Henry seems to be enjoying the festivities so far.  Even tolerated enjoyed kept the Santa hat on for the photo session.  He was sniffing around the presents under the tree, looking for squeaky toys and Kongs, Bully Sticks and such.

The grandchildren fell asleep pretty fast and now, so should I.

Matthew already here from Croatia and Laura and James arrive from Centerline in the morning for breakfast.  Erika’s parents are here, too.  Having everyone together is the best part of Christmas to me.  (And we’re getting along nicely, too!) No small task with so many of us under one roof.

Ate some wonderful Polish food Donald prepared tonight for Polish Christmas Eve.  Homemade Kielbasa and Haluski and Pierogis and then we gathered in a circle while we shared Oplatki, the Christmas wafer.  Donald did a great job as Patriarch, leading the ritual.

Wishing all blog readers a good day, whatever you’re celebrating or not.  I appreciate all the lovely greetings I’ve received.