Uncle Frank’s 1955 Ford Pick-Up

Saturday afternoon, Anna and Steve and I drove up to see Aunt Linda and Uncle Frank. You might remember Uncle Frank and his 1955 Ford Pick-Up Truck post Uncle Frank was in my People at Work show. He is a master at restoring vintage vehicles.

Here he’s showing Steve the interior. Steve loved getting behind the wheel.

October 2011

Here’s his 1933 Plymouth

Painted Gold for Fiftieth Anniversary 1956 Chevrolet BelAir

“Something you don’t see everyday”

That’s what Erika said as Maura (14) took this photograph. Maura texted the pic and asked me “do you know what this is?”

Thanks Maura. Another fun guest blog photo.

Looks like a Fire Hydrant delivery
Great capture Maura

Here’s a post on fire hydrants https://rutheh.com/2022/02/18/fire-hydrant/

Got Grease?

Unable to find an online presence for this business, you’ll have to dial the number on the back of the truck.

That is if you’ve got grease you need to be removed. I envision them sucking out oily grease from restaurant kitchens?

I would have happily added their link to this post. I was behind the truck at the stop sign and snapped a fast pic of the unusual truck.

Definitely looked like an oil truck. The musical Grease kept coming up in my search.

Oh, Hello Linens Truck

I was parked on Butler Street in Lawrenceville.

My phone in hand.

A truck pulled up to the red light alongside my car -and stopped. I felt a presence. Looked up and out the driver’s window.

Oh, hello there!

Light turned green. The chef appeared. The truck pulled away into the flow of traffic.

Road Closed

Wednesday evening, I came out of the restaurant to this scene.

Liberty Avenue and 36th Street. All surrounding roads were closed due to night paving.

Had to walk a few blocks to Penn Avenue so Steve could pick me up.