Ky Started Yo-Yoing at Age Eleven

I stopped into the old fashioned/classic toy store in the neighborhood of Shadyside on Ivy Street. The cool toy store is around the corner from where we lived when we first moved to Pittsburgh.  This is the same store my three kids would browse in for the longest time on the way home from school in 1989-1991.

Two floors of toy store!    Filled with LEGO®  and Playmobil®, knights, puppets, trucks and trains, dolls and puzzles. Everything you can wish for as a child.  You might see some items you yearned for as a kid but never received.

I was buying a gift for a friend.

And while I was there, the young man came from behind the counter and started yo-yoing. I mean yo-yoing extraordinaire!  His name is Ky.

There was nothing else but to stop my shopping and watch in amazement.  All I had with me was the phone camera.  With a phone memory too full, I had to delete pics to take a few shots. (too much phoneography for challenges?)

Wowee Wow. I don’t know how to describe it -but I was mesmerized.  And then he put down the yo-yo and picked up a kendama.  Yes, we have an old wooden one but I never knew what it was called. Or that it was of Japanese origin. He was smooth and skillful at both the yo-yo and kendama!

If you want to learn how to yo-yo like Ky you can head on over to Shadyside on Sunday at noon and practice how to put your yo-yo into a “sleep” so you can attempt the tricks like Ky was demonstrating.  Learn “looping”.   Ky will be there teaching in  the Yo-Yo/Skill Toy Club at S.W. Randall’s.  I think I need to return with a video camera and you can understand how you had to keep your eye on Ky and the yo-yo or Ky and the kendama.  Do you have any yo-yo tricks?

Raggedy Duo in Public Domain But Does Anyone Play With Them Nowadays?

Never used nowadays lately but had to look it up to be sure I spelled it correctly.

While in Ohio this past weekend, I was helping sort through some toys in the playroom.  Matchbox cars here, a duffel bag of puppets, strollers and baby dolls and a whole tub of action figures like Batman and Star Wars light sabers.  A box of wooden blocks.

The grandchildren are growing up and many of the younger toys aren’t being played with and room needs to be made for new ventures.

These Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls were gifts from Great Aunt Bobbie when Anna(9) was born.  They looked exactly the same way they have smiled at me for all these years. No change in expression.  Just grinning. They looked almost brand new.

I took them upstairs and set them up in my father’s old oak rocker which is now in Mark’s office.  They didn’t object to being photographed.  I started thinking about rag dolls and how they aren’t trendy and I wondered if people are still buying them.  These are lovingly handmade in Kansas City and  I think of them as classics.  Nostalgia sets in.   Continue reading

Michael, 7, Master LEGO® Builder

Sunday afternoon, Michael, 7, asked me if I would photograph his LEGO® vehicle and put it on the blog.

Now how can any grandma resist that invitation?   Michael loves to create, construct and play with LEGO®.  We just don’t like stepping on them.


(I pronounced him the “master” LEGO® builder although there might be an official designation with a credential he’d have to earn from LEGO® U)


LEGO vehicle

The close-up of the vehicle.  In the background? When I looked at the photo on the computer screen I noticed my father’s rocking chair in my son Mark’s office.

Star Wars LEGO®

Here is the first photo, when Michael  called down to me and asked me if I would photograph his STAR WARS LEGO® vehicle and put it on the blog.

I said, sure.

Then he came down the stairs and put on the finishing touches so I could shoot it.  It tickles me how the grandchildren know all about the blog.

Friday night, four year old Maura told me I could bring my computer to her room and blog before bed.  (That’s Maura on the bottom right with a hockey stick, climbing up the stairs.)

Master LEGO® Builder

Forgot to Post the Pilgrim Trolls, So Ugly They’re Cute?

Trolls have a really bad name these days. The internet troll is the first to come up with a google search.  UGH. The word conjures visions of creeps on the internet doing extremely negative things.

But there was a time when the word trolls meant little plastic doll with crazy hair sticking up and beady eyes-

and before that they were written about in Norse Mythology and Scandinavian Folklore.

The trolls of the rubbery type, a protruding belly with navel, glassy eyes and colorful hair were around when I was in grade school in the late 60’s.

Did a search for the origin of the  troll dolls and they were created in 1959 by a Danish man, Thomas Dam.  They are also called Dam dolls.

Chicago John noticed the Christmas troll, dressed as a caroler, on my Sunday breakfast table.  The wikipedia post says that some people collect THOUSANDS of them.  No kidding. I have a few of the Christmas ones that have been around for years and I brought them out for the grandkids who had fun with them last summer.

When I was with the family in Virginia over the Thanksgiving Holiday, my son’s in-laws had this pair of Pilgrim Trolls on the mantle. They made me laugh when I saw them.

I did turn these two so they were looking at the camera cause initially they just had eyes for one another. (scroll down)

Sounds like they are having a bit of a comeback these days with a new generation.  Any troll collectors out there?

Pilgrim Trolls (1)



Pilgrim Trolls facing

Wind Up Toys

Sunday morning. Breakfast at Joan’s.  A cadre of colorful windup toys in her kitchen… I asked if I could photograph them. I can’t remember a specific windup toy I had as a child but these all felt familiar and provided a relaxing and fun time as she wound them up and they executed their motion while I tried to photograph them.

Guess they are making a big comeback.  I am going to get some for me  the grandkids so I they can play with these adorable windup toys. 


South Side Storefront Sign- Get Thee to Munhall

It was the color that attracted me.  Not that the colors are particularly attractive but definitely made me turn my head to get a better look and see why so purple? Complementary colors collide.

I have put Too Groovy Pop Culture Toys  on my list of places to visit.  I see they have a FB page.

Sisters Separated at Production in the Doll Factory

or What Love Looks Like-

It’s been almost two years since I posted Baby Doll (the loved doll) and her “sister” who was bought as a replacement but never really played with or looked at as far as I know.

Baby Doll (b. 1979) belonged to Erika when she was little and now Anna has loved her for 8 more years.  I just stitched her arms up as they were coming off.  And since I’m visiting the family and not driving around the city today I am showing the effects of two more years of loving.  Maybe someone who reads this post will send a photo of the same doll in a similar condition.


One thing I know is they are most cooperative when I set them up to pose for the shooting!









Meeting of the Sock Monkey Minds /Solving WordPress Email Deluge!

Four sock monkeys I made, set up, waiting for the kids to come home and find them (from Easter visit to grandchildren)
When I looked at the photo, I thought of meetings, meetings, meetings…….table the motion and I move to adjourn-
Do I hear a second?

second part for my blogging friends who experienced a deluge of email in their box. See Chicago John’s public service announcement

or it could be a WordPress meeting!

Monkey 1″Hey, let’s flood people’s inboxes with a ton of emails, every time they write a comment or reply on a post”

Monkey 2 “Yes, let’s check the box for them without their realizing it so they get emails and more emails and more emails. Imagine if a blogger gets twenty comments.  And then a commenter replies, or the blogger replies, too.  YIKES
Multiply that cause each commenter will now receive an email. Wow, it is like a math problem. Can even get almost to infinity in an inbox!”

Monkey 3  “We might get a ton a email ourselves over in support!”

Monkey 4  ” We had better fix this problem at WordPress NOW as our loyal bloggers and their readers are not happy!!”  : – (
